To Our Loyal Membership:


Your Union Bargaining Committee is proud to inform you that the union and the hospital have come to an agreement that addresses enforceable safe staffing standards, reasonable wage increases and many other enhancements that will improve benefits for nurses to levels greater than existed when we commenced our labor strike. We will hold informational sessions next week with a ratification vote to follow shortly thereafter. Thank you for your continued support through this process. We would not have been able to get to this point without your support.


In Solidarity,

Organizing to improve wages, hours of work, and job security. Promoting the profession of nursing and striving to insure high standards of quality patient care.  Read our full mission statement!

Consumers have a “right to know” about the network status and costs of health care providers.

Read the set of principles developed by New Jersey Citizen Action and the Health Care Coalition.

News & Updates

PBGC Awards Pace Industry Plan $1.3 Billion in Bailout Funding Bloomberg Law Automation The PBGC has approved a $1.3 billion bailout package for the PACE Industry Union-Management Pension Fund, which will receive the cash through the agency’s Special Financial Assistance

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Support safe staffing Our patients deserve it Join us on Thursday May 11 to rally in Trenton email to register $20 refundable to save your spot    

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The last year and a half has taken a toll on us all. It is time to let the public know how we feel. Please read the attached article that was printed in The Star Ledger on August 29, 2021

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  Dear Loyal Membership, We want to assure you that we are addressing all the concerns as they are brought to us. Here is the latest update: Employees will be getting a “Hero Bonus” this Friday, May 1st. Your leadership

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Attention: Local 4-200 Members Ever have thoughts on learning more about our contract and helping to enforce it or simply just want to be more involved in your local union? If so, becoming a shop steward might be the job for you.

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