
Becoming a Shop Steward

Attention: Local 4-200 Members

Ever have thoughts on learning more about our contract and helping to enforce it or simply just want to be more involved in your local union? If so, becoming a shop steward might be the job for you.

Shop Steward positions are non-elected positions but offers value to running a successful union. The importance of attending meetings and receiving valid information has been recognized as a necessity to serve our Members. It is imperative that we bring factual information to the Members.

In order to properly serve the Members of Local 4-200, a list of requirements has been developed and voted on by your Executive Board; these requirements are as follows:

  1. Attendance of 50% (2 of 4) of the General membership Meetings per calendar year
  2. Attendance of 50% of the Board Meetings (1 call in allowed) per calendar year
  3. Attendance of 50% of Shop Steward Meetings (4-6 per year)
  4. Attend the Yearly Planning Meeting in non-negotiating years
  5. Some participation when needed in Unit Meetings, Nurses Day Gifts, Black Bear Lake etc.
  6. Readiness and willingness to represent a member in a counseling

The next Shop Steward Training will be on July 26, 2017.

 If interested, please contact one of the Chief Shop Stewards: Renee Bacany or Karen Antipin